Help customers answer your calls again.

SecureLogix can increase your call answer rates by 30% or more with call branding, outbound spoofing protection, and call number reputation management.

Top 5 Insurance Company Sees Immediate 44% Increase in Call Answer Rate

A top 5 global insurance giant struggled to connect with customers who weren't answering their phones. After deploying the SecureLogix® Contact Call Branding Service they saw an average 44% increase in the call answer rate and over 60K additional customer interactions in just the first two months of deployment.

Answer Rate

44% increase in answer rate after two months.

Total ROI

268% ROI after 60 days based on 60K additional customer interactions / mo.

Call Branding Service

The SecureLogix® Contact Call Branding Service is a single, low-friction call branding solution that increases enterprise outbound call answer rates across all major wireless devices and service providers, resulting in increased revenue, productivity and cost efficiency.

Key Benefits

  • 30% average increase in call answer rates
  • Broad coverage across 95% of wireless devices
  • Full call branding display capabilities
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Spoofing Protection Service

The SecureLogix® TrueCall Spoofing Protection Service identifies and blocks spoofed calls attempting to use your corporate calling numbers to impersonate your brand. This network API-integrated spoofed-call filtering service is the industry’s strongest and most secure approach to spoofing prevention.

Key Benefits

  • Prevent outsiders from spoofing your enterprise calling numbers to protect reputation scores and maintain higher call answer rates.
  • Increase call answer rates by protecting your legitimate outbound enterprise calls from being labeled as fraud / spam.
  • Industry’s strongest spoofing protection based on API-enabled, carrier network-level filtering.
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Call Number Management Service

The SecureLogix®️ Reputation Defense™ Call Number Management Service will help remove fraud / spam labeling attached to your enterprise calling numbers. The service works to clean and restore the positive reputation scores of your existing numbers, with ongoing monitoring to maintain a healthy status.

Key Benefits

  • Restore reputation of corporate calling numbers to remove fraud / spam labels and increase call answer rates.
  • Ongoing reputation monitoring & health status management
  • Full reporting, analytics & service team support
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